Hoodride enligt Urban dictionary:
“A hoodride is an old vintage car that’s been lowered and has original faded or worn paint. In the best case, the car will also have rust and patina. Mismatched panels, dents and missing parts enhance the look because they add more character and originality. Driving a hoodride is about making use of a car everyone else would avoid because it’s “ugly” or “beyond repair” and being able to love it for what it is. It’s enjoying your car because you built it the way you want, and not how everyone else thinks it should look.
A hoodride is most often an older model air-cooled Volkswagen, but it doesn’t really have to be a VW to qualify for hoodride status–It can be any rusty old car.”
Just det!
Eller enligt (för evigt!) avsomnade/put down hoodride.com:
“HoodRide was created not off of a traditional business model, but off an idea for a better car community. I can’t speak for everyone, but I feel a lack of respect for one another when it comes to anything car related. No longer will I put up with ego’s, the “better than you” attitude, the disrespect, the put downs, the car show judges, the arrogant magazines, etc. Cars were first ment to be functional and second to be stylish. Who decided cars were first meant to be status and second to be fun and exciting? HoodRides are first and always unique, loved, driven, and fun. If you feel the same, you’re in the right place. You are NOT your car, you’re just the dumbass who’s in love with it!”
“Cars are a lot like… Girls. Sure, you could stroll into a Mercedes dealership and buy a brand car along with a brand new car payment. Talk about a high maintenance b*tch though! You can’t go camping in it, you have to keep the leather and paint looking nice and new, the stereo is at risk of being ripped off, it’s a pig on gas millage, it’s a high maintence girlfriend!
A Hood Ride is like a girl that keeps you happy, even if she’s a bit rough around the edges. She doesn’t want you to take her to the mall, she doesn’t ask you if she looks fat. In fact, she doesn’t require anything of you but your love. All of this, and she’s still a hottie! Now there is a difference between driving a beat down Honda and driving a low maintanance Hood Ride. The difference is that the Hood Ride still looks HOT.”
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Verkar ha gÃ¥tt inflation i “lÃ¥ga-vw”-sidor…
“Vi ser ju!”
Jahej/iZac, seskaro.nu
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